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         488365.com是教育部直属的一所综合性全国重点大学,是国家“985工程” 和 “211工程”重点建设高校之一。学校的历史最早可追溯到1934年于右任先生、杨虎城将军创建的国立西北农林专科学校。
         学校现有教职工4689名,专任教师1478人,其中教授258人、副教授372人,博士研究生导师236人、硕士生导师623人,中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士2名,双聘院士7人,长江学者1人,讲座教授1人。在校本科生20,000余名,各类研究生7100余名。设有18个学院(系), 还有水土保持研究所、成人教育学院和体育部,涵盖农、理、工、经、管、文、法、哲、史、医、教等十一大学科门类。现有64个本科专业,105个硕士学位授权点,71个博士学位授权点,11个博士后流动站。另外,还有农业推广、工程、工商管理(MBA)等6个类型在职攻读硕士学位培养权。学校的旱区农业、土壤学、农业水土工程、植物病理学、临床兽医学、水土保持与荒漠化防治、作物遗传育种、动物遗传育种与繁殖、农业经济管理等学科均取得了很好的成绩。目前,学校先后与美国、英国、法国、荷兰、日本、澳大利亚等国家的50多所大学和科研机构建立了长期的合作与交流关系。2006年取得接收中国政府奖学金来华留学生资格。
         1. 凡自愿来华学习并遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和学校的有关规章制度,遵重中国人民的风俗习惯,身体健康的外国人,外籍华人,华侨等均可申请入学。申请攻读本科学位者需提供高中毕业证;申请攻读硕士/博士学位者应提供本科/研究生毕业证书或学位证书。
         2. 参加汉语授课者须参加并通过汉语水平考试(HSK)(可来校后进行汉语培训);参加英语授课者要求有良好的英语成绩,例如托福成绩550分/雅斯成绩5.5分以上或相应水平(英语国家的学生除外)。
         3 .本校实行双学期制,第一个学期九月至一月,第二个学期二月至七月。报名截止日期为五月三十一日,汉语学习及进修实习不受此限。
          ⑴ 报名费:400元人民币,凭《488365.com外国留学生入学申请表》在规定时间内报名。
          ⑵ 学  费:(每人每学年 单位:元 人民币)( 注:学费以学校当年公布学费标准为准。)
        1. 申请者可向我校国际合作与交流处索取《488365.com外国留学生入学申请表》。
        2. 申请者将报名费及下列材料提交国际合作与交流处,以便办理有关手续:
        本科生:               入学申请表、高中毕业证书、成绩单
        语言生:               入学申请表、学习计划
           实习生:               入学申请表、实习计划
         3. 被录取者将收到我校发出的【入学通知书】和【JW202表】,并持上述文件及护照到所在国的中华人民共和国使(领)馆办理入境签证手续。
         中国 陕西 杨凌邰城路3号 邮编712100
         电  话: 86-29-87080182  
         传  真: 86-29-87080181
         电子信箱:oie@nwsuaf.edu.cn ; ipo@nwsuaf.edu.cn


                                                  Study Information for International Students

Northwest A&F University
A brief introduction to Northwest A&F University

Northwest A&F University(NWAFU)is a national key comprehensive university directly under the jurisdiction of the Chinese Ministry of Education consisting of seven formerly independent institutions, and one of universities that enter into Project “211”(Project “211” is the Chinese government's new endeavor aimed at strengthening about 100 institutions of higher education and key disciplinary areas as a national priority for the 21st century) and Project “985” (In May 1998, the Ministry of Education initiated a project of building world-leading universities in China; subsequently, several top universities received special three-year grants for quality improvement under what is called the “985” Project). NWAFU dates from the National Northwest Junior College of Agriculture and Forestry that was established in 1934, which was initiated by Mr. Yu Youren, a senior official of the Kuomintang Party, and General Yang Hucheng, a well-known patriot.

There are 4,689 faculty and staff at NWAFU, including 1,478 faculty, of whom, there are 258 professors, 372 associate professors; 236supervisors for Ph.D. students, 623 supervisors for master students; and 2 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or Chinese Academy of Engineering. There are more than 20,000 undergraduate students and 7,100graduate students. NWAFU has 18 colleges (departments) and Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, College of Adult Education, and Department of Physical Education, which cover agriculture, science, engineering, economics, management, liberal arts, law, history,philosophy, medcine and education. NWAFU has 64 disciplines offering 4-year programs, and offers 105 master’s degree programs, 71 doctoral degree programs and 11 mobile post-doctoral research stations. Besides, NWAFU offers 6 professional master degree programs such as Agricultural Extension, Engineering and MBA. The disciplines in field of Dryland Agriculture, Pedology, Agricultural Water and Soil Engineering, Plant Pathology, Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control, Crop Genetics and Breeding, Animal Genetic Breeding and Reproduction, and Economics and Management of Agriculture have got great achievements. At present, NWAFU has set up the cooperative relations with more than 50 universities and research institutes from USA, UK, The Netherlands, Japan, Australia and so on.

NWAFU occupies an area of 5457 mu with buildings of classy and harmony in arrangement, and enjoys the fame of Garden-style Campus City. NWAFU offers first class conditions of running school and teaching facilities to youth for their education: two large modern libraries with collection of 2.68 million volumes, whose integrated automated library system connects with campus networks, CERNET, Internet and which is the biggest information center of agricultural sci-tech documents in Northwest China; up-to-date teaching and research platform combined with teaching, experiment and modern technological education; Entomological Museum?the biggest one in Asia and Artificial Rainfall Stimulating Hall; the Facilities Agricultural Sci-Tech Demonstration Park that is controlled automatically and digitally; the standard students’ apartments and canteen on the campus; the up-to-date Agricultural Sci-Tech Exposition Park and large gymnasium.

NWAFU is located in the beautiful and fertile Guanzhong Plain of Shaanxi Province, 82 kms west of the famous ancient city of Xi’an and 70 kms west of Xi’an Xianyang International Airport. NWAFU enjoys a relatively efficient transportation system with graceful environment and fresh air.

Shaanxi Province is one of the most important original place of Chinese civilization, and it enjoys the fame of “Natural History Museum”. The eighth world wonder “Qin Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses” locates here. Shaanxi Province attractes more and more concerning sights by its profound cultures and Loess Plateau customs.

In this cradle of Chinese agricultural civilization, profound culture gave birth to spirits of modern university with characteristics. Until now, the international students from America, German, France, Japan, Austria etc. studied at NWAFU.

We warmly welcome international students to study at NWAFU with graceful environment.

Entry Qualification

Ⅰ. The foreigners, Chinese with other nationality or overseas Chinese who abide by the laws of China, observe the regulations of NWAFU, respect the habits and customs of the Chinese people, and be in good health are welcome to apply for studying at NWAFU. For undergraduate study, a high school diploma is required;for master’s degree program, an undergraduate diploma or a bachelor degree certificate needed;for doctoral degree program, a certificate of master degree necessary.
Ⅱ. Those who apply for programs in Chinese should pass the HSK Examinations (Chinese Level Examinations) (can get training in NWAFU); Those who apply for programs in English should have a fluent level of English, certified by a TOEFL score of 550, IELTS 5.5 or equivalent (except for the students whose native language is English).
III. There are two semesters in an academic year at NWAFU: first semester--September to January; second semester--February to July. The deadline for Application is May 31 for the following academic year.

Required Fees

Ⅰ. Application Fees
400 RMB Yuan or an equivalent amount RMB with the foreign students application form within the definite time
Ⅱ. Note: The fees for study will be accordance with NWAFU’s publicized fees of the year (RMB Yuan/Year)
1.The student of Chinese language   12,000
2.The undergraduate      16,000
3.The graduate student for a master’s degree 17,600-20,000
4.The graduate student for a doctoral degree 21,600-24,000
III. Fees for each student of a short-term class of Chinese language (RMB Yuan):
1.  4,400 for 3 months
2.  2,800 for 2 months
3.  1,600 for 1 month
IV. Fees for each student who does internship
According to the program and period

Study Period

The undergraduate student                              4 years
The graduate student for a master’s degree    3 years
The graduate student for a doctoral degree       3-5 years
The short-term class of Chinese language         6-12 months


The international students’ dormitory is on the campus. There are public kitchen room and laundry in the dormitory. Each apartment has double beds, bathroom, television, air conditioner, telephone, Internet access, bookshelf with desk and table.
Accommodation: 1,200 Yuan RMB for a one person /room/one month
                         1,600 Yuan RMB for a two person /room/one month

Application Procedure

I. Applicants submit the application form that can be obtained from the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange.
II. Applicants submit the following materials and application fee to Office of International Cooperation and Exchange.
The graduate student for a master’s /doctoral degree: Application Form, Diploma, Certificate, Student Transcript, and two Letters of Reference.
The undergraduate: Application Form, High School Certificate, and Transcript
The student of Chinese language: Application Form, Study Description
III. With Admission Letter issued by NWAFU and Form JW202, applicants may arrange visa application procedures at any Chinese embassies and consulates in their countries.

Enrollment and Register

Applicants are required to register Northwest A&F University within the specified time with passport, Admission Letter, and Health Certificate offered by hospitals of home countries. At the same time, ten half-length photos of one inch without cap and the application fees are required.

Address (for contact) :
Office of International Cooperation and Exchange
Northwest A&F University
3 Taicheng Road, Yangling
Shaanxi 712100
Tel: 86-29-87080182
Fax: 86-29-87080181
E-mail: oie@nwsuaf.edu.cn; ipo@nwsuaf.edu.cn